Mozal FY24

This is a preview of the Mozal Social Investment Application Form 1.1 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Our Process


South32 are passionate about supporting and working with the communities where we operate. We actively engage with stakeholders to understand their interests and aspirations and identify opportunities to work together to create shared value.

Focus Areas

South32 supports local community projects aligned to four key focus areas:

1. Education and leadership 

  • Education, training, youth development and childcare.
  • Supporting lifelong learning and development, nurturing future leaders, and promoting equal access to education, with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  

2. Good health and social wellbeing

  • Community health, sport and recreation, family, and youth support.
  • Supporting community health and social wellbeing and promoting inclusion.

3. Economic participation

  • Local employment, local business development.
  • Supporting local employment, sustainable livelihoods, and diversified local economies. 

4. Natural resource resilience

  • Environment, water, land management.
  • Supporting communities to thrive in their environment and use natural resources responsibly and sustainably.

Your application must demonstrate alignment to a South32 focus area. Please contact your local Community team for assistance if you cannot identify the South32 focus area your application aligns with.

Assessment Criteria

South32 will assess grant applications based on how successfully the project will:

  • Deliver benefits to the community in alignment with our focus areas;                         
  • Support inclusion and community participation;                                                   
  • Support the needs of the community;              
  • Deliver present and future benefits to the local area; and                                           
  • Support the local environment and natural resources.

Due to our many applications, meeting the assessment criteria does not guarantee support. South32 retains discretion over the community projects or activities we support. Applicants should only act in expectation of receiving our support upon confirmation of a decision.


South32 will not consider the following applications:

  • Individuals;
  • Fundraising for religious or political purposes;
  • Activities that conflict with South32’s corporate values, Code of Business Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy or a combination of one, more or all;
  • Projects not aligned with our focus areas;
  • Projects incapable of delivering measurable benefit(s) to the community and;
  • Projects or activities previously supported where South32’s support did not (in our view) deliver on the intended purpose and expected benefits.

Quick Links

Application Process

  • To allow adequate time for South32 to assess and inform you of the outcome of your application, South32 must receive the submission before the published due date (if applicable) or three months before the predicted commencement of an activity or project for which you are applying for support.
  • Fields marked with asterisks(*) are mandatory. The system will not allow the application to be submitted if mandatory fields are blank or attachments are omitted. 
  • Please contact your local community team if you require assistance submitting an application using the South32 SmartyGrants system.


Please direct all queries to the relevant local Community team:

  • Mozal Aluminium | +258 21 73 5000/5701 |