The South32 Worsley Alumina Community Grants Program provides funding for local organisations, projects and programs that provide a benefit to people in South West communities.
Please use this form to apply for grants of up to A$5,000 (GST exclusive) for eligible projects that support community initiatives within the Shires of Boddington, Collie, Murray, Wandering, Waroona and Williams, or in Greater Bunbury and surrounds.
Applications will be reviewed after the closing date (closes at midnight) and all applicants will be notified of the outcome via email within 30 days of the end of the application period.
If you have any questions, please contact the team:
Worsley Alumina | 1800 555 958 |
Please be ready to provide the following information:
- Representative and organisation's contact details
- Project purpose
- Planned activities and outputs
- Evidence of community/stakeholder support
- Project expenses
The 'Applicant' is the Organisation (or other entity type) completing this form to apply for monetary and/or non-monetary support through our Social Investment Program.
South32's Business Integrity function undertake due diligence on all social investment applicants across our operations. To help us progress your application, please address all questions in the Due Diligence section of this form.
All applications must pass due diligence before funding is committed.
Help with SmartyGrants
South32 uses SmartyGrants online social investment tool to manage our program from applications (this form) to assessments and project acquittals. Visit SmartyGrants Help Guide For Applicants for help using the system.
Note: Fields marked with asterisks(*) are mandatory. The system will not allow the application to be submitted if mandatory fields are blank or attachments are omitted.
Please save your application regularly to avoid timing out of SmartyGrants.